The History of Solar Energy and ISES

Abstract submission

Why a session on the history of solar energy?

The history of solar energy and ISES is a special topic of the ISES 2005 Solar World Congress (Orlando, Florida, USA, August 8-12, 2005,, which has been included for the first time in an ISES solar world congress program on the occasion of the celebrations of the 50th Anniversary of ISES.

General Instructions

The abstract/paper must represent original work. Acceptance of papers for presentation will be based on extended abstracts. All full papers will be peer-reviewed.

Please submit title and abstracts of your presentation and clearly identify on the top of your paper and in the subject of your email:

"to be presented at the History Sessions – topic as identified in the instructions for authors"

Abstracts submission and selection

All submitted abstracts will be reviewed for an oral presentation at ISES 2005.

Abstracts should be submitted on-line at Instructions for authors and on how to submit on-line will be posted September 1, 2004.

Important Dates
  • Deadline for submission of abstracts: November 15, 2004
  • Notification of acceptance: January 1, 2005

If you have any questions, suggestions for speakers, sessions or other activities at the 2005 Solar World Congress, please email to or We welcome your suggestions on this international solar energy history event.

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Archivio de Il sole a 360 gradi

Pionieri dell'energia solare in primo piano:
» G. Ciamician
» G. Francia
» G. Vinaccia

Video della mostra
"Le città solari"
al Festival della
Scienza 2006



Gruppo per la storia dell'energia solare

Considerata una ONLUS (Organizzazione non lucrativa di utilità sociale)
ai sensi del decreto legislativo del 4 dicembre 1997, N. 460, Art. 10, comma 8.

Iscritto nel Registro della Regione Lazio delle organizzazioni di volontariato

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